Social innovation diffusion Motivation and success: la bibliografia
Pubblichiamo di seguito la bibliografia completa dell’articolo Social innovation diffusion Motivation and success scritto da Rick Hölsgens e Aline Reichow, pubblicato sul numero di novembre-dicembre 2019 di Sviluppo&Organizzazione.
Antadze N., McGowan K. A. (2017), Moral entrepreneurship: Thinking and acting at the landscape level to foster sustainability transitions, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 25, 1-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2016.11.001.
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Braithwaite V., Braithwaite J., Gibson D., Makkai T. (1994), Regulatory styles, motivational postures and nursing home compliance, Law & Policy, 16, 363-394.
BEPA (2014), Social innovation: A decade of changes, EUR-OP, Luxembourg.
Deiglmeier K. (2018), Scaling social innovations: Gaps & opportunities, in Howaldt J., Kaletka C., Schröder A., Zirngiebl M., Atlas of social innovation: New practices for a better future, pp. 198-201, Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund Universit, Dortmund.
Dhondt S., Oeij P., Schröder A. (2018), Resources, constraints and capabilities. In Howaldt J., Kaletka C., Schröder A., Zirngiebl M., Atlas of social innovation: New practices for a better future, pp. 74-77, Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund University: Dortmund.
European Commission (2013), Social innovation research in the European Union: Approaches, findings and future directions. Policy review.
Fouquet R., Pearson P. (2012), Past and prospective energy transitions: Insights from history, Energy Policy, 50, 1-7.
Griffiths J. (2003), The social working of legal rules, Journal of Legal Pluralism, 48, 1-84.
Gunningham N. (2010), Enforcement and compliance strategies, in Baldwin R., Cave M., Lodge M., The Oxford handbook of regulation, pp. 120-145, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Havinga T. (2006), Private regulation of food safety by supermarkets, Law & Policy, 28, 515-533.
Haxeltine A., Avelino F., Pel B., Dumitru A., Kemp R., Longhurst N., Chilvers J., Wittmayer J. M. (2016), A framework for transformative social innovation.
Hirsch-Kreinsen H., Wannöffel M (2003), Internationale Netzwerke kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen, in Netzwerke kleiner Unternehmen: Praktiken und Besonderheiten internationaler Zusammenarbeit, pp. 9-34, Sigma, Berlin, DE.
Hölsgens R., Lübke S., Hasselkuß M. (2018), Social innovations in the German energy transition: An attempt to use the heuristics of the multi-level perspective of transitions to analyze the diffusion process of social innovations, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 8.
Howaldt J., Kopp R., Schwarz M. (2015), On the theory of social innovations: Tarde’s neglected contribution to the development of a sociological innovation theory, Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, DE.
Kaletka C., Markmann M., Pelka B. (2017), Peeling the onion: An exploration of the layers of social innovation ecosystems: Modelling a context sensitive perspective on driving and hindering factors for social innovation, European Public & Social Innovation Review, 1, 83-93 (accessed on 29 September 2017).
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen S. I., Vihma A. (2009), Comparing the legitimacy and effectiveness of global hard and soft law: An analytical framework, Regulation & Governance, 3, 400-420.
Meadows D. H., Meadows D. L., Randers J., Behrens III W. W. (1972), The limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind, Universe Books, New York.
Packroff R., Völker D., Mutz D., Bresch H., Bosse H. (2016), Nanomaterials and other advanced materials: Application safety and environmental compatibility, Review of the joint research strategy of the higher federal authorities, available online: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/nanomaterials-other-advanced-materials-application (accessed on 13 October, 2017).
Reichow A. (2015), Effective regulation under conditions of scientific uncertainty: How collaborative networks contribute to occupational health and safety regulation for nanomaterials; University of Twente, Enschede.
Westley F., Antadze N. (2010), Making a difference: Strategies for scaling social innovation for greater impact, The Innovation Journal: The Public sector Innovation Journal, 15, 1-19.
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