Business fondati sulla tecnologia. Sfide, culture e strategie aziendali: la bibliografia
Pubblichiamo di seguito la bibliografia completa dell’articolo scritto da Cosimo Accoto, sul numero di maggio 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.
Accoto C. (2017), Il mondo dato. Cinque brevi lezioni di filosofia digitale, Egea, Milano.
Accoto C. (2018), Il business di imprese e piattaforme tra archivi e oracoli, Harvard Business Review, dicembre.
Accoto C. (2019), Il mondo ex machina. Cinque brevi lezioni di filosofia dell’automazione, Egea, Milano.
Accoto C. (2020), Mani, menti, mercati. Automazione e ominazione tra machine experience e machine economy, in Bordoni C. (a cura di) Il primato delle tecnologie, Mimesis, Milano.
Al-Shaer E., Wei J., Hamlen K.W., Wang C. eds. (2019), Autonomous cyber deception: reasoning, adaptive planning, and evaluation of honeythings, Springer, Cham.
Antonopoulos A. (2017), Mastering bitcoin: programming the open Blockchain, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Ash J. (2017), Phase media: space, time and the politics of smart objects, Bloomsbury, New York.
Berg C., Davidson S., Potts J. (2019), Understanding the Blockchain economy. An introduction to institutional cryptoeconomics, Edward Elgar Publishing, London.
Berg C., Davidson S., Potts J. (2020), Beyond money: cryptocurrencies, machine-mediated transactions and high-frequency hyperbarter, Cryptoeconomic Systems conference, MIT.
Bratton B. (2019), The terraforming, Strelka Press, Moscow.
Davidson S.R., De Filippi P., Potts J. (2018), Blockchains and the economic institutions of capitalism, “Journal of Institutional Economics”, 1-20.
Davis C. (2020), Cloud native patterns. Designing change-tolerant software, Manning Publications, New York.
De Filippi P., Wright A. (2018), Blockchain and the law, Harvard Business Press, Cambridge. DuPont Q. (2019), Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Frabetti F. (2015), Software theory, Rowman & Littlefield, London.
Hui T.H. (2015), A prehistory of the cloud, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Hunt J. (2020), Not to scale. How the small becomes large, the large becomes unthinkable, the unthinkable becomes possible, General Central Publishing, New York.
Iansiti M., Lakhani K.R. (2020), Competing in the age of AI, Harvard Business Press, Cambridge. Johnson M.W., Suskewicz J. (2020), Lead from the future. How to turn visionary thinking into breakthrough growth, Harvard Business Press, Cambridge.
Lauslahti K., Mattila J., Hukkinen J., Seppälä T. (2018), Expanding the platform: Smart contracts as boundary resources. In Smedlund A., Lindblom A., Mitronen L. (a cura di), Collaborative Value Co-creation in the Platform Economy, Springer, Cham.
Lenhard J. (2020), Calculated surprises. A philosophy of computer simulation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Lynn T., Mooney J. G., Lee B., Endo P. T. (2020), The cloud-to-thing continuum: opportunities and challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge computing, Springer, Cham.
Marshall V. A., Parker G., Evans P. (2019), Platform review and forecast, MIT Platform Strategy Summit Report, 2019.
Miles R. (2020), Learning chaos engineering, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Newman S. (2020), Monolith to microservices. Evolutionary patterns to transform your monolith, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Reznik P., Dobson J., Gienow M. (2019), Cloud native transformation. Practical patterns for innovation, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Schneier B. (2018), Click here to kill everybody. Security and survival in a hyper-connected world, Norton & Company, New York.
Sejnowski T. J. (2018), The Deep learning revolution, MIT Press, Cambridge.
Shkuro Y. (2020), Mastering distributed tracing, Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
Stiegler B. (2017), The automatic society. The future of work, Wiley, Hoboken.
Storment J. R., Fuller M. (2020), FinOps. Collaborative, real-time cloud financial management, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Sussna J. (2015), Designing delivery: rethinking IT in the digital service economy, O’Reilly, Sebastopol.
Thomke S.H. (2020), Experimentation works: the surprising power of business experiments, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston.
Weir L. (2019), Enterprise API management, Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
L’articolo integrale è pubblicato sul numero di maggio 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.
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