Open innovation per le imprese. Il ruolo guida delle università. La bibliografia
Pubblichiamo di seguito la bibliografia completa dell’articolo “Open innovation per le imprese. Il ruolo guida delle università”, scritto da Manuela Ghielmetti e Marco Tarabini sul numero di settembre 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.
Boschma R. (2005), “Proximity and innovation: a critical assessment”, Regional Studies, 39(1), pp. 61-74.
Brunswicker et al. (2016), “Managing Open innovation projects with impact”.
Chesbrough H.W. (2003), Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology, Harvard Business Press, Brighton.
Chesbrough H., Vanhaverbeke W., West, J. (2006), Open innovation: Researching a new paradigm, Oxford University Press on Demand.
Ghezzi A., Balocco R., Rangone A. (2014), “The relationship between Open Innovation and Strategy: data-driven analysis of the Mobile Value Services Industry”, 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2014, IEEE, 1073-1082.
Huyghe A., Knockaert M., Wright M., Piva E. (2014), “Technology transfer offices as boundary spanners in the pre-spin-off process: The case of a hybrid model”, Small Business Economics, 43(2), 289-307.
Iacobelli G. (2018), Open Innovation made in Italy. Lo sviluppo dell’innovazione aperta nelle imprese italiane, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Kettunen J. (2016), “Open innovation alliances and communities in higher education”, Business Education & Accreditation, 8(1), 15-26.
Lameras P., Hendrix M., Lengyel D., de Freitas S., More B. (2012), “D6. 1: research review on open innovation: literature review and best practices”, JISC Open Innovation Exchange.
Miller K., McAdam R., McAdam M. (2018), “A systematic literature review of university technology transfer from a quadruple helix perspective: toward a research agenda”, R&D Management, 48(1), 7-24.
Steinmo M., Rasmussen E. (2016), “How firms collaborate with public research organizations: The evolution of proximity dimensions in successful innovation projects”, Journal of Business Research, 69(3), 1250-1259.
Vanhaverbeke W., (2017) Managing open innovation in SMEs, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Villani E., Rasmussen E., Grimaldi R. (2017), “How intermediary organizations facilitate university-industry technology transfer: A proximity approach”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 86-102.
L’articolo integrale è pubblicato sul numero di settembre 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.
Per informazioni sull’acquisto di copie e abbonamenti scrivi a daniela.bobbiese@este.it (tel. 02.91434400).